B?HLER FOX P 23伯樂焊條
Basic coated core wire alloyed stick electrode for welding bainitic steels such as P23/T23
(ASTM A 213, code case 2199), pipe material. For high quality welds, which will provide relia-
ble creep rupture properties for the whole service life of a boiler plant.
Approvals and Certificates
TüV-D (applied)
Same Alloy Filler metals
GTAW rod: P 23-IG
SAW combination: P 23-UP/BB 430
base Materials
HCM2S, P/T23 ASTM A 213 code case 2199
Operating Data
re-drying if necessary: ? mm L mm amps A
300-350°C, min. 2 h 2.5 250 80-110
electrode identification: 3.2 350 100-140
FOX P 23 9018-G E ZCrWV 2 1.5 B 4.0 350 130-180
Preheat and interpass temperature depends on wall thickness.
Mechanical Properties of All-weld metal
(*) a
yield strength R e N/mm 2 : 520 (≥ 400)
tensile strength R m N/mm 2 : 620 (≥ 510)
elongation A (L 0 =5d 0 ) %: 19 (≥ 17)
impact work ISO-V KV J 130 (≥ 47)
(*) a annealed 740°C/2 h
Typical Composition of All-weld metal
C Si Mn Cr W V Nb
wt-% 0.06 0.2 0.5 2.3 1.5 0.22 0.04