· PE材料手感柔軟,氣墊膜中間層充滿空氣,所以體輕,富有彈性,具有隔音、防震、防水、防潮、抗壓、防磨損的性能,當產(chǎn)品受到震動、碰撞、摩擦時,其密封氣囊能起到防震、緩沖作用,保護產(chǎn)品的同時亦有一定的保溫隔熱的作用。
· 該產(chǎn)品透明,內(nèi)置物可見。由LDPE 與LLDPE 經(jīng)過特種模具流延吸塑而成。
● 氣泡膜/袋廣泛用于電子產(chǎn)品、儀表、陶瓷、工藝品、家用電器、自行車、廚房、家具、五金工具制品、玻璃制品及精密儀器……等包裝。
- 使用不同工藝配方,使表面電阻值可達到:108Ω~1011Ω;
- 氣泡形狀多樣化:圓形、橢圓形、星形……等;氣泡直徑:6~30mm;氣泡高度:2~15mm;
- 袋式多樣化:單/雙面卷料、平口袋、信封袋、自封袋、風琴袋、立體袋、異形袋……;
- 度身定做:多種顏色、規(guī)格、厚度、樣式及在不侵犯他人知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的情況下印刷文字、圖案、商標。
氣泡袋 Bubble Bag
Function Introduction:
· PE material enjoys soft handfeel and is light in weight as the middle part of its air cushion film is full of air, which has performances of high resilience, sound insulation, shockproof, waterproof, moisture protection, resistance to pressure and abrasion; when the product inside it suffers a shock, crash or friction, the pressure bladder of this kind of bag will play a role of shock absorber and buffer, so as to protect the product and meanwhile provide an effect of thermal insulation.
Material and Structure:
· This kind of bag is transparent, making objects inside it visible. It is made from LDPE and LLDPE with special dies by adopting the curtain coating and blister process.
Applicable Scope:
Bubble film or bag is widely used to pack electronic products, instruments, ceramics, crafts, household appliances, bicycles, kitchen supplies, furniture, hardware tools, glass products, precision instruments, etc.
According to Customers’ Requirements:
- Making the surface resistance up to 103Ω to 105Ω with different processes or formulas;
- Diversified bubble shpe:roun,oval,star...;bubble diameter: from 6-30mm,bubble height:2-15mm;
- Diversified types: roll material, flap bags,envelop bags, ziplock bags (reclosable bags / zipper bags), organ bags, three-dimensional square bags, irregular shape bags , etc.;
- Custom-made: available to manufacture bags with different specifications, thicknesses and styles.